National Spanish Day Kolkata

National Spanish Day in Kolkata was held on October 12 with a corporate function at the Westin and we were treated like royals!

The event was a tribute to Spain-India relations and they sought a flamenco dancer….

A week in Mumbai was spetn teaching, creating and rehearsing six new numbers to two lovely musicians, Siddharth (cajon) and Dhaivat (tabla) and they had to learn pretty quickly. I found myself staying at a hotel above a who market place of tailors and material shops. So new costumes were made, a black bolero jacket and a white flouncy top. I went on stage with the musicians and then was asked to dance with Usha Uthup, one of India’s beloved singers. The crowd loved the show and everyone was so warm and friendly. Dancers from the Flamenco workshop came along too plus some friends. what fun we all had! Ole!

Rajeesh was the video and stills maestro and wow did he do an phenomenal job! Watch the VIDEO here.

Photography ©Rajeesh Gupta 2019 #lensocrat